How to stop extra Duplicate False pinging in WordPress ,Stop WordPress Pinging —

How to Stop WordPress Extra Excessive Automatic False Duplicate pinging

WordPress Pinging Update Services are tools you can use to let other people know you’ve updated your blog. WordPress automatically notifies popular Update Services that you’ve updated your blog by sending a XML-RPC ping each time you create or update a post.

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How to stop extra Duplicate False pinging in WordPres


Why we need ping optimization WordPress plugins —

  • There are many reasons for that using of ping optimization WordPress plugins some reasons are like,
  • whenever you update your post, auto save your post or save draft your post WordPress send automatic ping to servers , like google, yahoo, etc,
  • due to excessive pinging your blog may be suspected for ping spamming blog or site, which is really a very bad situation for any professional blogger,  because if your blog is suspected as ping spammer then they stop your blog rom pinging services, and the conscicunces of that are very bad, that’s why we need ping optimization WordPress plugins ,
  • your blog updating rate is drop to bottom, even if you write your blog post regularly even then your blog updating rate is very poor, that’s not a good sign for search results and on SEO point of view pinging services are very important for updating of blog,


Hear is the perfect solution for the problem of this excessive pinging by WordPress,


  • The most easy solution is to use ping optimization WordPress plugins
  • here are two most common ping optimization WordPress plugins
  1. cbnet Ping Optimizer
  2. MaxBlogPress Ping optimizer

cbnet is a very similar plugin to MaxBlogPress Ping optimizer and working mechanism of both plugins are same. The dashboards of both plugins are also same.
Brief features of MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer


Prevent duplicate pings using cbnet Ping Optimizer

  • cbnet Ping Optimizer has Manual ping option
  • cbnet Ping Optimizer prevents duplicate pings while updating a post
  • you can Add additional ping services
  • you can also Set time limit between two successive pings
  • Pings status widget
  • cbnet Ping Optimizer disables ping while scheduling a post

Download cbnet ping optimizer

Prevent duplicate pings using MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer

MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer

  • MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer is  a free Ping Optimization  WordPress plugin which is a complete splution for pinging problem,
  • inspector of your website pings to search engines and blog directories. It is a great plugin which
  • MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer works very wisely and stop extra pings when you are trying to update your blog post during editing article.
  • And MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer also prevents ping when you schedule a blog post.
  • it also stops pinging during scheduling blog post
  • You can manually ping your blog by pressing its “ping now button”  of  MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer
  • You can set ping interval time
  • It stops pinging during updating an article
  • Show status which task is pinging and which is not pinging
  • These are some Brief features of MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer


Download MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer

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