Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via natural search results. Usually, the earlier a site is presented in the search results or the higher it ranks, the more searchers will visit that site.
SEO can also target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.
As a marketing strategy for increasing a site’s relevance, SEO considers how search algorithms work and what people search for. have a specialized team who understand the people needs while they search on search engines.
SEO efforts may involve a site’s coding, presentation, and structure, as well as fixing problems that could prevent the automated web crawler script, which browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner, to browse the website.
Other, more noticeable efforts may include adding unique content to a site, ensuring that content is easily indexed by search engine robots, and making the site more appealing to users. offer SEO as a part of our broader marketing campaign. Effective SEO require changes to the HTML source code of a site, so AceDesigno incorporate SEO tactics into web site development and design.
We are even specialized in achieving Top Search Engine Ranking by using proven Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process.
- Website analysis
- Client anlysis
- Keyword analysis
- Competitors analysis
- URL, title and meta tag optimizations
- Content optimization
- Image and link optimization
- Script and code optimization
- Page navigation and structure
- Sitemap n robot.txt creation and optimization
- SE submission
- Directory submissions
- Article submission
- Link development(one way and reciprocal)
- Forum and blog postings
- Google analytic reports and goal tracking
- continuous evaluation of serp ranking